Outdoor Education

“Scientific observation then has established that education is not what the teacher gives; education is a natural process spontaneously carried out by the human individual, and is acquired not by listening to words but by experiences upon the environment.”

— Maria Montessori

At Maria Montessori Academy, we believe strongly that students have an innate need to be connected to their surroundings. Young people, when taught to exist comfortably in the wilderness gain confidence, wisdom and vigour.

Our outdoor ed program begins with field trips at the Kindergarten and Grade 1-3 levels.  These are planned to initiate students to the challenges and joys of our surroundings.

The Grade 4-6 cohort participate in weekly outdoor ed sessions experiencing fire building, cooking, kayaking, canoeing, climbing and a host of other activities organized by our PE/Outdoor ed specialists. Each year these skills are scaffolded towards an overnight trip for the grade six students in May.

Senior school students embark on three week long expeditions each year.  Previous trips have included activities like rock climbing, portage canoeing, sea kayaking, mountain biking and backpacking.

Each of these trips is thoughtfully planned to be “Challenge by choice” and each year we revel in the transformation of our young charges as they return from the wilderness!


The Maria Montessori Outdoor Education Program functions as part of the overall School Mission: “Maria Montessori Academy is dedicated to providing a comprehensive Montessori education that facilitates the development of the whole child.”

Specifically, the goals of our Outdoor Education program are to:

  • Ensure a focus upon the physical and emotional safety, security and well being of students, staff, visitors and volunteers through a pro-active risk management program.
  • Help to facilitate and develop community, leadership skills and the ability to work effectively with others.
  • Assist each student in developing outdoor/environmental skills and experiences.
  • Introduce students to surrounding outdoor education opportunities.
  • Foster an appreciation and responsibility for the natural environment.
  • Offer programs that are rewarding, challenging and enjoyable.
  • Foster personal growth and character development.
  • Lifelong love of the outdoors, appreciation and understanding of nature and world around us

“That which ought and can best be taught inside the classroom should there be taught, and that which can best be learned through experience dealing directly with native materials and real life situations outside the school should there be learned” —Julian Smith, 1943

This program is offered to all students in Grades 1-3 and consists of around five field trips throughout the year. A wide range of activities are offered but not limited to: botany scavenger hunts, Salmon Hatchery at Gold Stream Park, Beacon Hill Park, Lambrick Park, Centre of the Universe Observatory and a few other activities organized by the classroom teachers. One goal of this program is to prepare students for Upper Elementary Friday afternoons by talking about proper clothing layers in different weather situations and walking safely in public spaces. 

This program is offered to all Grades 4 - 6 students and consists of a 2-hour session off campus every Friday afternoon.  A wide range of activities are offered including but not limited to: fire building, cooking, camp skills, canoeing, swimming, nature programs, environmental stewardship, skating, forest games, orienteering, archery, shelter building, nature walks, climbing, and a host of other activities organized by our PE/Outdoor Ed specialists. Grade 4/5 students also participate in a sleepover that is facilitated at the school to prepare them for the overnight trips in the upper grades.

This program is offered to all our grade 6 students, consisting of a few day trips as well as a multi-day overnight excursion near the end of the school year.  Objectives for all activities include:  preparing students for future overnight trips, adventure, skill building and team-building, and strengthening friendships between students in all three classes as they move on to middle school and high school.

Day trips include but are not limited to: a full day hike, paddling, a bike day and a ski day at Mt. Washington in January.

The overnight trip runs in May/June.  This is a three-day, two-night trip to Camp Barnard. Students practice packing proper layers and equipment and participating in cooking, canoeing, hiking, and evening wilderness games.

The Sigma program is a three-tiered program offered to all students in Grades 7 and 8. Students will partake in 3 week-long trips in each of their Grade 7 and 8 years. These are as follows:

1) The fall trip takes place in October, students will spend four days and three nights at Strathcona Park Lodge. Students are split into groups and participate in a wide range of outdoor education activities. These include but are not limited to hiking, canoeing, kayaking, high ropes course, caving, paddle boarding, low ropes course, climbing, and fire/shelter building.

2) The winter trip takes place in either February or March. Students will spend four days and three nights at the Cheakamus Centre, one day of which will be spent in an Indigenous immersion program in a replica long house where they will learn traditional cooking, hunting, and handicraft practices. The remaining days students will participate in activities that include but are not limited to: skiing, snowboarding, archery, hiking, and games.

3) The spring trip will take place in June and is a three night and four day canoe trip. This trip will alternate locations, and may include Horn Lake (with caving), Alouette Lake, or Pitt Lake. Students will spend the week paddling in large canoes, sleeping in tents, and learning the ins and outs of cooking in groups in a camp setting.

The program is a three tiered program offered to all students in Grades 9 - 12. Students will partake in three week-long trips in each of their grade 9/10/11/12 years.

1) The fall trip will take place in September or October, and is a series of day trips. Students are split into different groups throughout the week, either with their age grouping (Jrs and Srs) or their teacher group, and together participate in a wide range of outdoor education activities. These include but are not limited to: hiking, canoeing, kayaking, biking, volunteer projects, and farm visits

2) The winter trip takes place in February, each grade participates in a different trip and will spend four days and three nights in their current grade cohort. Examples include but are not limited to:

(Grade 9) Students spend four days and three nights away at Our Eco-Village. Activities include but are not limited to: Indigenous land connection, hiking, gardening, craft making, food processing and farming.

(Grade 10) Students will spend four days and three nights at Mt. Washington doing various winter activities. Students will have the opportunity to participate in: downhill skiing, snowboarding, cross country skiing, snow shoeing, and evening snow games.

(Grade 11) Students will spend four days and three nights in Tofino, B.C. Students will participate in surfing, environmental education, hiking, and learning about local indigenous culture.

(Grade 12) Students will spend four days and three nights in Whistler, B.C. Students have the opportunity to participate in activities that include but are not limited to: downhill skiing, snowboarding, hiking, and snowshoeing.

3) The spring trip will take place in May/June and is a four night, five day trip, starting at Strathcona Park Lodge and branching out from there.

Students are split up into Jr. trips (rock climbing, canoeing, mountain biking) and Sr. trips (sea kayaking, portage canoeing, backpacking). Students will spend each day engaged in their chosen activity,, sleeping in tents and cooking/preparing food in groups.

Ski Trip PS1500

Currently scheduling visits to our Preschool and Kindergarten classrooms for September 2025 enrolment.